Wednesday, 6 November 2013

No longer 'ere... Ported to WORDPRESS!!!

Woo hoo!!!
It got harder to be here.
Sorry Blogger.
You lost me. Plus the pressure from my readers to port were too much. I checked out WP, liked it and ported.
I have my first Post up already
I still need to tush up the site. If you can, pray help. Thanks
Ok so lezzgodia...
Goodbye Blogger...
Hello WordPress...
Different site... Same message.
I will find a way to move the articles and comments to the new site. And then shut this one down...
Oya rush down to my new site...
Mrs. D

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Pardon me Pardon me.
I had a near major crisis last week. Had to do a quick trip and re-organize myself and family.
All is well now, HALLELUJAH!!!
So how have you all been doing?
So I mentioned that my next Post would border on a major mistake married women make and that is sharing 'inside gist' with the wrong kinda third party where you ABSOLUTELY have to share with someone.
I will get to that but I got two emails from peeps requesting that I share with them how I managed to ABSTAIN from sex before marriage and how my husband especially held through too.

I told both of them that rather than email them privately, I would do a Post on it so that the world can KNOW.

Coincidentally, that same period, I got a mention on Twitter from someone who also tweeted at Inthemidstofher and Eziaha (who are just INCREDIBLE BLOGGERS btw) on the topic of Virginity and Virgins being ashamed of it. Shuo!!! A twitter conversation ensued and all three of us (actually I read on Eziaha’s blog that Naija wife may be joining us. Please do mami) will be doing a series of Virginity Posts so that we can encourage young girls to ABSTAIN because it is COOL to abstain.
I am amazed as to how popular that topic is…
SEX is a BIG DEAL I must say!!!
Inthe did a Post on it here and that Post gets a TEN STAR from me baby…
So I will be doing mine too next week and ditto Eziaha and Naijawife.
I am all psyched up for this because Virgins need to know that it is like coolest thing to be since Peter walked on water…
I will be very back very soon with my Post on ‘Third party mistakes’
Just had to pop in and mark this register…
I am so loving being a Blogger and I love my new cool blogger friends too. Makes me feel very encouraged as I live this Christian life by THE BOOK.
There are many people doing the RIGHT thing afterall. Just that those who are not doing right are very vocal and have a way of being in our faces and drowning our voices. But no way we are letting them. We that have a platform to PROJECT our Christ and His message are NOT staying silent with it.

 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

The  Message (MSG) : Matthew 5:14-16

Need I say more? 
You can follow us on Twitter @inthemidstofher @eziahaa @marriagebydbook and if you have a question, feel free to mail me at

Love always…
Mrs. D

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

My Daily SEX Confessions

I told y'all you would not have to wait too long for my next post...
But first, thank you all so much for the views. Wow. I had like 79 views for my first post and i hardly did any publicity.

I intend to start major publicity by mentioning interesting people on Twitter and asking for a RT. please help a sister out.
Ese pupo
Shout out to Naijawife for the RT and being my first commenter. Totally appreciate hon...Post dedicated to you, inspired by the TOO MUCH BOOK Post here
So let's talk about SEX within the confines of marriage of course. Anytime else is a SIN

Ok, so as a Single, I abstained totally and so did my hubby so both of us were Virgins. With my Christian girlfriends and I, we usually discussed the issue of 'First time' and all and we had been hearing all sorts of 'not-too-sexy' horror stories as one of us ditched singlehood or just from 'gist'. Confirmed gist sha.
My husband actually said a friend of his 'advised' him to encourage me BREAK MY HYMEN WITH MY FINGER before that day/night so that wahala no go dey... lol
I was not comfortable with all of that so...
A couple of us got together, with the book of 'Songs of Solomon' in the Bible and formed a SEX CONFESSION which we say as often as possible. I mean, if i have a confession for most aspects of my life which i have seen work, why not have a SEX one?
The Book of SOS is an incredibly romantic one. Makes us understand why Solomon had 1000 WOMEN lol. Dude knew how to do romance right.

 The  SEX confessions came from there...
Needless to say that my first time was not bad like the stories I had heard. It was good and it gets better daily because I didn't have any fear anymore and I had gotten the necessary knowledge too from some older Christian friends and wise counsel during our pre-marriage Counselling.
The Confessions would be found after the jump...
Feel free to use them whether as a Single or Married person and both of you can even confess it together...

Sunday, 20 October 2013

First of all... Introduction

Hello you,
Let's just call me D.
Mrs. D
I am a recently married young Nigerian woman married to the most amazing man ever and by His Grace, we enjoy the marriage of our dreams.
I am in my mid-twenties but I go for knowledge and by His Grace, all the knowledge keeps helping me because they are from THE BOOK.
I have started this blog to share and learn even more godly principles that make marriage work.
Everything I share here will have its foundation in the Book. Of course when I say 'The Book' I mean the Bible. God's Love letter to us...
I have a good hearty laugh when I see people trying to run their marriage outside God.
How is that even possible?
Marriage is a God ordained institution and should be enjoyed to the max.
God created marriage and it is a beautiful thing when we follow THE BOOK.
Sadly, this is NOT always the case especially because most people don't do marriage by the Book. 'The Book' being of course the Bible and so divorce is gradually becoming just as rampant as marriages itself. An article I read recently (I think it was by Charley Boy) says that very soon we will start celebrating divorces and divorce anniversaries as we do weddings (From HML to HDL).
No one's saying there are no challenges in the marriage Institution...Of course there are. There are because even though good and godly marriages are made in heaven, maintenance has to be done on earth but once we follow the biblical principles in the Book as per marriage, we all can have the marriage of our dreams.